Sunday, November 25, 2012

5x7 Folded Card

Best Of Wishes Holiday Card
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ninja Brendan

Brendan is the most fun 3 year old ninja ever. His imagination is amazing and it's cute to hear him role playing and having conversations with his toys (mostly dinosaurs). He got his flu shot yesterday and was super brave. I thought for sure we were going to have to hold him down but he totally cooperated and did not cry! I was proud of him.

He is attending preschool twice a week from 9-1 and is thriving. He is by no means shy; he walks right up to people and introduces himself-- and Caleb too if he's around. He is naturally friendly and a thinker. Brendan has a super memory and is quite observant.  He has easily made friends with other kids in class and the socialization is good for him. His teachers couldn't be a better fit!

Brendan loves having so many kids in our neighborhood. He wakes from a nap and is ready to go play with the kids across the street. Naps are still happening about 50% of the time- we try but sometimes Brendan never does fall asleep. Brendan wants to ride his bike around the neighborhood with the other kids but we have no sidewalks and the street makes me so nervous. I am really having to keep a close eye on him and we need better security on our front door so he can't go in and out at will.

I have to remind myself that he is only 3. He reasons, negotiates, and applies logic. He  is very persistent with questioning. Unbelieveably intelligent-- in fact he is going to be way more intelligent than me. Tantrums ensue sometimes when he does not get his way and he can go on and on for a while. I try to redirect as much as possible. He is as stubborn as both of his parents. Yikes!

Recently I started rewarding Brendan for making good choices and he gets a sticker each time I catch him being good. After 5 stickers he gets to choose a reward of the $1 store treasures. Positive reinforcement is the way to go.

Brendan is a great big brother and is helpful with the baby. Sometimes when Caleb is a little fussy but I'm preparing a meal and can't hold him, Brendan goes over and will try to entertain him. I melt a little when I see this...just adorable. Other times Brendan will come up to me and ask me to nurse Caleb so he will be quiet! Of course, Caleb watches everything Brendan does.

I don't know if it is normal or not but Brendan knows street names around town and sometimes asks if we are on a certain road and is often correct about where we are.

He is getting over wanting Mom's cold arms. Knows his food groups and loves carbs. He has been waking up at 7 most mornings. He calls his Dad his "best buddy". We recently took him to the drive-in to see Wreck-It Ralph and he loves Disney movies, Dinosaur Train, Cars, Toy Story, and Thomas.

Tonight we told him about Santa Claus and he shaped up his act real fast. He is excited for Christmas and doesn't remember much from last year. Looking forward to many more memories and love my boys so much.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Caleb at 6 mo.

Caleb went for his 6 mo. check up and immunizations today. He is 20 lbs., 12 oz (95% for weight), 27 and 3/4 in. for height (85%).

Caleb has the bluest blue eyes and rolls upon rolls. His thighs are by far my favorite. I love his chub. He is easily made to laugh and is most ticklish under his arms. If someone smiles at him chances are he will smile back.

His first two teeth came in on the bottom within the last couple days. He grabs everything and automatically pulls it into his mouth. Caleb is a strong one. Sometimes he will get a good grip on my hair and he hangs on.

Brendan and Caleb have the sweetest brother bond. In the mornings Brendan will come in and say hello to Caleb and they both just light each other up. I wish I could keep them like this forever and bottle it up. I feel so lucky when I can see the boys love each other. So precious and dear indeed.

They enjoy being together and Brendan can't wait for Caleb to start walking. His rolling is getting quicker and easier and he rolls all over the floor and crib. He also has figured out how to jump up and down in his exersaucers.

Caleb is a Mama's Boy. He will be crying and as soon as I pick him up, he's fine. He enjoys being held and I've purchased the Mobi wrap. It works best for my bad lower back and he falls asleep in it.

Caleb is waking up throughout the night on average about 3 times per night. He is sleeping in our room. I really want him to start sleeping through the night and sleeping in the crib.

His first solid food was oatmeal, then sweet potato, banana, avocado, pear, & apple. Caleb never would drink out of a bottle. He has sippy cups now but I think he uses it more for teething than drinking. It is still to be determined whether he will drink from them or not. Historically, he prefers his milk from the tap!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Caleb's 4 mo. milestones

We took Caleb to the doctor for his 4 mo. check up and immunizations. He is healthy as can be. He has reached many new milestones within the last few weeks. Yesterday, Brendan was the first to see him roll over and hold his body up from his belly all by himself. Within the last mo. he's become an expert at grabbing things: toys, hair, people, anything he can get his hands on.

Boy can this baby smile. He's got quite the personality and his smile is just precious. He's been getting the hang of conversation and taking turns talking. He stands up with knees locked and just started using the 'jumparoo.'

We have been working on a bedtime routine. He is sleeping in the pack and play in our room and a little in the crib in his and Brendan's room. The doctor said to let him cry a little which is absolutely excruciating for me but hopefully it gets better. It's only been 2 days. Not sure if the boys will be able to share a room in the long run. As of now Caleb sleeps in about 4 hour stretches, once in a while 6 hours.

Caleb went on his first plane trip to Indianapolis just before turning 4 mo old. He did an outstanding job on the oversold flights. It was a quick trip and we would talk to Lou and Brendan back at home a few times a day and Brendan asked me to come home. I told him I couldn't but would see him tomorrow. He then asked, "Can you just send Caleb home?" Like I could FedEx him or something. Too cute.

Brendan Goes to Preschool

As we got out of the car in the parking lot Brendan told us how how excited he was to start school. When we went to drop him off in his classroom he walked right in and got busy. We had to call him back for hugs and kisses. I had some tears and anxiety but Brendan was more than ready! Lou and I went over to the Boo who/Woo who coffee and spied on him having a blast on the playground. We also ran into other parents who had kids in the same class at the coffee and apparently Brendan asked another little girls parents if they wanted to know his name and he introduced himself to them. It was an easy transition for him to say the least!
When we picked him up, he confirmed he loved it and said "Mrs. Weiss was wrong. I am not going home tired today." We are so proud!
In the next weeks Brendan made friends with the few little boys in his class of mostly girls. One day he came home and I asked him what happened at school. "Out on the playground Margaret said she loved me." I asked him what he said and he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I told her I love her too." How cute is that?!
Needless to say he transitioned easily and loves going school twice a week from 9 to 1.

Brendan Reads from Memory

Our little guy never ceases to amaze! He read a bedtime story to Caleb and I after having the library book only one week.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Brendan's Paleontologist Show"

Our boy sure knows and loves his dinosaurs. He often corrects my pronunciation when we read and I stumble over the long names. In this video Brendan narrates his own "show."

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Caleb is growing so quickly, both physically and developmentally. At our 2 mo. Doctor's appointment he weighed over 14 lbs.! He's so chubby and has rolls upon rolls on his legs-- I absolutely love it! He reminds me of a little cherub spreading love where ever he goes.

He smiles all of the time and has recently started to grab things on his own. Caleb is a total Mama's boy. He could be screaming for one person and then Mom picks him up and he stops immediately. While Mom loves the attachment it is a challenge to feel like there is never a break. Bottle feeding has been damn near impossible but we are trying so Mom and Dad can have a much needed date night.

Caleb is strong for a little guy. He's been able to support his head for some time now and has a super grip. We've been introducing him to the crib which is now in the same room as Brendan's big bed. He still sleeps mostly in the bassinet in our room during the night.

Caleb responds to music and has a pretty calm and relaxed demeanor most of the time. After over-working myself and having baby along at work with me, I cut back on the work hours for everyone's benefit. We've taken him everywhere in in 3 short month's he's been to an amusement park, the children's museum, movie theater, library, stores, a couple birthday parties, his grandparents homes and great-grandparents home, and out showing homes w/ Mom.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Home Birth Movement

Home birth vs. Hospital Birth

As for the home birth I am definitely an advocate now. I started as the biggest skeptic too. Having both home and hospital experiences I without a doubt would choose home again.

I really liked delivering at home for the privacy- I wasn't checked for progress a million times. Or pressured to progress like they will do to you in a hospital then offer interventions like pitocin which in many cases will lead to a C-section. I was only checked when my midwife got to my house-- but I was 9 cm when she got there. Obviously I knew I was in labor and just let it happen.

I wasn't forced to a bed with people in and out of my room and had the freedom to do what I wanted, when I wanted, where I wanted to. I had welcome distractions so I wasn't really 100% focused on contractions- I was working on some real estate transactions and getting things done around my house like laundry and interacting w/ Brendan and family. I was actually on the phone with another agent and was having a good contraction and couldn't speak back to him right away. It was beneficial to be distracted for me and helped me stay in control.

In the hospital you are given an iv right away and if you do get an epidural then you don't move and have a catheter go in. You stay there and have nothing else to do but focus on the labor however long it may be. It also slows your progress down with epidural making it more likely they will give you a hard time about progressing in a certain amount of time-- which is complete crap. Delivering babies takes time and in the hospital I hear about the 12 hour rule, or getting to a certain number of centimeters with a time frame then you have to go for your c-section or intervention.

I pushed like 30 min maybe? I really had no concept of time but at my follow up the midwives were saying how much longer it took because of my previous episiotomy and courtesy stitching. They used olive oil and helped me to stretch so I did not tear. I am grateful for that! Recovery has been much easier.

I only labored in the tub like another 30 min or so? I wasn't in there long but was in there during the peaking contraction part. It was as relaxing as it could be. They say it takes labor pains away by about 40% but I think I waited too long to finally get in there. My water also broke in the tub so no mess to clean.

The recovery was fast. I got to get out of my bed, shower, and cuddle with Caleb. It did not create a mess of my house like you may think either. I did throw away the top sheet of my bed but I had intended on it. The sheets under shower curtain and padding were protected, carpet protected, etc. The comfort of my own bed in my own home after was priceless.

It was not that big of a deal doing it without an epidural. It hurts but you can handle it. The pain is short lived and soon forgotten. It's not like what you see on TV. I just accepted it was happening, and tried to breath and relax- not fight- the contractions. My body did the work for me and when my midwifes got over here it was time to push. I was only in intense labor for about 3 hours. It was totally worth it! Both Lou and Amy the midwife held my hands and coached me through it. My baby came healthy, happy, and alert.

I highly recommend the experience and the team I used. Lou would say the same. Check out the Beyond Conception website to read up and get more resources. Mary has delivered many babies and she instills such confidence in your ability and is completely trust worthy.

About the experience of prenatal care-- 300 times better than OB experience. You are not just a number in the baby delivery business. They are 100% focused on your care. You can talk to midwife directly instead of 5 people on staff when something comes up. You can text your midwife! I hated never being able to contact my doc directly and then waiting forever to see her. Even the exam office was more like a home instead of a medical environment. Great for kids too. Brendan loved going with me. I am now spoiled being treated so well and with such care that I am becoming unhappy with my pediatrician who also processes a volume of patients.

Finally, see the movies Rikki Lake produced- the Business of Being Born and More Business of Being born. The first one you can rent, the second series you can order online and stream on computer. It really was the start of my education on home birth and a real eye opener to how birth is most commonly treated in the U.S. Keep in mind home births are only possible for low-risk women and I'm glad to be a part of a larger movement to take back control of our own birthing experiences.