Sunday, November 30, 2008

Visit to Sedona

Yesterday was were in Sedona visiting Mama Sue and Daddy Lou. We love going up there as it reminds us of getting married there, not to mention it is truly a magical place. It was the most beautiful fall weather. We sat outside and played Euchre for hours. Mama Sue and Daddy Lou kicked my and Lou's butts the first match. Susie and Louie then snuck by Daddy Lou and I in the last tie breaker match to win. It was good fun. 

We continued to get some predictions on Baby Camp's sex. Both Lou's parents said they thought the baby was a boy. Mama Sue said she meditates and prays for the baby and she sees a boy when she meditates. Daddy Lou made his prediction using the family tree and history of boys and girls already in the family. Either way, we all decided we would be happy and hope our baby is healthy. 

On our hour and a half drive up to Sedona I was reading aloud from The Baby Bible. We learned some fascinating information about the pregnancy. We got a little refresher on how the sex of the baby is determined, how my body is changing and will continue to change, and on the growth of the baby. We are now are 12 weeks along and the baby is almost fully developed. All organs are functioning but continuing to grow- especially the brain. The baby has hair, nails, tooth buds, irises to protect it's eyes from light. The fingers and toes have separated and the pituitary gland is now producing hormones. The book says Baby Camp can smile, frown, suck it's thumb, and yawn. He or she is about the size of a plum or about two and a half inches long and weighs about a half of an ounce. It's pretty amazing to think about!

1 comment:

The Parke Family said...

Isn't it though? Just think, you have a little soul inside you right now! It's crazy to me everytime I hold James or Charlie - these little guys are real people I helped create! Just think of that when you get down, you are never alone right now, you have your sweet baby with you!! Talk to you soon :)