Thursday, April 16, 2009


Here are the best 3-d photos we could capture. He has the umbilical cord up against his face. 
Those lips remind me of his daddy's. 

We went in for an ultrasound today toward the end of week 31. Brendan weighs 4.2 lbs and his head is measuring 8.1 cm. (Ouch!) His heart rate was at 140
bpm and everything looked great and within normal ranges. We got to see the 4 chambers of the heart, his kidneys, stomach, bladder, the blood flow through the umbilical cord, the amniotic fluid, the placenta, and cervix. He was head down, which would explain the kicks to the ribs I've been experiencing lately. He has been more active than ever before! We will be returning to see Dr. Hunt every two weeks now.

Yesterday Lou and I completed our last class at the hospital. We learned about C-sections, some breathing techniques and some positions to labor in. I feel informed about the whole birthing process and know what to expect. We are hoping to labor at home as long as possible and then will head over to the hospital. I plan on waiting until I'm a few cm dilated before getting an epidural started. I don't want to be confined to the bed forever, plus we learned labor progresses faster if you are not lying around. I may try using the in-suite jacuzzi tub for relaxation before the epidural. The nurse teaching the class told us distraction is good. That will be part of Lou's job. I also packed my bag for the hospital today so we will be ready to go when he is.

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