Friday, September 18, 2009

Brendan Takes Tucson

On Tuesday, September 15th, Brendan, Mom, and Reese hopped in the truck and headed South to Tucson to visit his Gram. It took us about 2 and a half hours to get there from Phoenix. It was nice to visit Gram and hang out at her house. She's done a great job remodeling and decorating.

Brendan enjoyed taking a nap on his Gram's shoulder in the creaky rocking chair. We spent time together and then took Gram out to dinner before heading back home. We started to head home about 8 pm and I thought Brendan would have been sleepy. He had just ate but we weren't on the road even 10 minutes when the screaming started. I pulled over before getting on the expressway to see what the problem was and changed his diaper.

While on the expressway Brendan had many screaming- not crying or whining- screaming fits. I pulled over 4 times on the way home. One of the times I pulled off the road and parked to give him a bottle and a change, a police officer pulled behind us to make sure we were okay and stayed until we got back on the road. That time I found him with a little cut that was bleeding on the side of his nose and gave him baby Tylenol to help with any pain he may have been in.

I had never experienced so much screaming from Brendan ever. I thought maybe he was teething because he was trying to eat his hands all day. When we got home we tried unsuccessfully to take his temperature, but don't think he had a fever. We still don't know what his problem was that night, maybe he was uncomfortable, lonely in the back, didn't like the darkness, tired, had gas, or a combination. He is not teething and he soon returned to his happy self, but boy oh boy was that a long ride home. A two hour trip took three. Next time will be better and I'll make sure Daddy is with. Poor Reese was like, "Let me out of this car!"

Last Saturday, Brendan's other Grandma and Grandpa came over and babysat for us while Mom and Dad had a date night. We went for pizza at Oregano's and drinks at our favorite local pub Rosie's. We were only away a few hours, but it was nice to catch up with each other and go out alone. This was the first time in weeks Mom had shaved legs, make-up on, spit-up and booger free clothing, and her hair done. She even smelled like a lady and not a Mommy! It was wonderful! We came home and played Catch Phrase head to head for a while before going to bed. Brendan slept so well too!

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