Sunday, October 11, 2009

Life is good!

As Brendan approaches 4 months he continues to amaze us everyday. His personality has begun to shine and he is joyful, happy, talkative, and curious most of the time. Brendan has transitioned to his crib easily and wakes up happy each morning. I love when he starts to smile and kick when I go in to get him in the mornings. Sometimes I will find him talking to himself and playing when no one else is around. I have a few videos of this and will post to the site. It is so cute/funny.

He is able to grab and manipulate objects with his hands, roll to his sides (not rolling over yet), and sit up and stand with help. He likes to be read to and reads a couple of books per day. Eric Carle is has favorite author, but he will read anything and listen intently. Brendan enjoys taking Reese on walks and his neck is strong enough for us to use the jogging stroller now.

Hands down, his swing is still his favorite place to relax and take a nap. He is growing like a weed and is wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes. Brendan prefers to suck on his hands rather than a pacifier and recently has been sleeping between 7 and 9 hours per night. His Mom joined a gym and stopped being an over protective Mommy for an hour last week. It wasn't easy to leave him with someone who wasn't family or friends, but I think it was good for us.

Over the last few weeks Brendan has gone bowling, out to dinner, to some birthday parties, and watched some football with his Auntie Julie and Uncle Bill. Uncle Bill babysat him while Mom played volleyball too. Brendan has also helped Mommy to show some properties too- baby on one hip and Blackberry on the other. Finally, he has been visiting with his Great Grandparents about once a week.

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