Sunday, February 5, 2012

Potty Time

Over the last 2 days Brendan has been telling us he needs to use the potty! We have been asking him over the last few months but he has not been interested. Then, suddenly we started coming to Lou and I and telling us when he has to go. It's only been about 4 times in 2 days but we are so proud of him.

If you were to ask Brendan what he wants to be when he grows up he would tell you a big brother. Sometimes he will tell people he wants to "be a Realtor and take all Mom's clients- the good ones and the bad ones." I think the potty training is just one way he's getting ready to be a big brother though and he talks to my belly all the time.

Brendan really is into dinosaurs, cars, and books. He actually will read non-fiction dinosaur books from the library over and over again and corrects my or Lou's pronounciation if we have trouble with a name. He really does have a photographic memory. In the photo below, we all visited the natural history museum in January.

All is well with the pregnancy and I'm about 6 mo. along now and still loving it. We had an ultrasound just before the New Year and they said the gestational age/size would give us a due date of someplace around May 12. Baby is healthy, active and I love feeling the movement in my growing belly. A few nights ago Brendan's favorite commercial came on the TV it is a car commercial with all these animals popping up set to Salt and Peppa's "Push It" song. We had it on repeat a few times and while Brendan was breaking it down like no one's business my belly started bumping around too. It was fun!

Lou and I know baby's sex but are keeping it between us for now. We have a few names picked out but have not completely agreed on one yet. I had the urge to start nesting last week after a playdate with Alex (2.5) and baby Noah (7 mo.) and started putting baby stuff aside for baby's arrival. The only thing I have experienced a few times now with this baby is heartburn but it has gone away for now after taking a papaya enzyme. Still happy seeing our midwife and looking forward to a home birth. I may look into hiring a doula to help on the big day soon.

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