Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ninja Brendan

Brendan is the most fun 3 year old ninja ever. His imagination is amazing and it's cute to hear him role playing and having conversations with his toys (mostly dinosaurs). He got his flu shot yesterday and was super brave. I thought for sure we were going to have to hold him down but he totally cooperated and did not cry! I was proud of him.

He is attending preschool twice a week from 9-1 and is thriving. He is by no means shy; he walks right up to people and introduces himself-- and Caleb too if he's around. He is naturally friendly and a thinker. Brendan has a super memory and is quite observant.  He has easily made friends with other kids in class and the socialization is good for him. His teachers couldn't be a better fit!

Brendan loves having so many kids in our neighborhood. He wakes from a nap and is ready to go play with the kids across the street. Naps are still happening about 50% of the time- we try but sometimes Brendan never does fall asleep. Brendan wants to ride his bike around the neighborhood with the other kids but we have no sidewalks and the street makes me so nervous. I am really having to keep a close eye on him and we need better security on our front door so he can't go in and out at will.

I have to remind myself that he is only 3. He reasons, negotiates, and applies logic. He  is very persistent with questioning. Unbelieveably intelligent-- in fact he is going to be way more intelligent than me. Tantrums ensue sometimes when he does not get his way and he can go on and on for a while. I try to redirect as much as possible. He is as stubborn as both of his parents. Yikes!

Recently I started rewarding Brendan for making good choices and he gets a sticker each time I catch him being good. After 5 stickers he gets to choose a reward of the $1 store treasures. Positive reinforcement is the way to go.

Brendan is a great big brother and is helpful with the baby. Sometimes when Caleb is a little fussy but I'm preparing a meal and can't hold him, Brendan goes over and will try to entertain him. I melt a little when I see this...just adorable. Other times Brendan will come up to me and ask me to nurse Caleb so he will be quiet! Of course, Caleb watches everything Brendan does.

I don't know if it is normal or not but Brendan knows street names around town and sometimes asks if we are on a certain road and is often correct about where we are.

He is getting over wanting Mom's cold arms. Knows his food groups and loves carbs. He has been waking up at 7 most mornings. He calls his Dad his "best buddy". We recently took him to the drive-in to see Wreck-It Ralph and he loves Disney movies, Dinosaur Train, Cars, Toy Story, and Thomas.

Tonight we told him about Santa Claus and he shaped up his act real fast. He is excited for Christmas and doesn't remember much from last year. Looking forward to many more memories and love my boys so much.

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