Sunday, September 6, 2009

The visitors keep coming!

Brendan has been attracting visitors from the midwest lately. First, his Auntie K-Money, then, his Great Grandma Go-Go, and now his Grandparents and his cousin Renee. Everybody wants to get a piece of this goodness!

I have the best feel-good story. One night recently, we were all in the nursery changing diapers and putting away laundry. We had put on a CD Brendan's cousin Rex sent him and started to dance to a song from the Jungle Book called, "I want to be like you." The three of us were dancing and Brendan started to laugh and smile, which cause Lou and I to do the same. Soon we were all laughing so hard; it was out of control. Brendan was just belly laughing like I never have heard a baby laugh for a good minute and a half straight. It was the best minute and a half ever! We were all so happy and having a great time together. Time stood still and my and Lou's endorphins went off the charts as we enjoyed our baby in a new and special way. Talk about pure joy and happiness!
In the picture to the left we discovered Brendan is just the right size to travel by laundry basket. Here he is on top of some of his cloth diapers. Yes- we are still cloth diapering and doing really well with it. I like that I can match his diaper to his clothes. Oh, and we are keeping it Green by reducing our waste by the 3,000+ diapers he will use before being potty-trained.
I'm looking a little tired here, but this very well may have been the same day when Lou was going to work in the morning he kissed me goodbye and I told him, "Good night," before passing back out. :)

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