Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Watch me grow before your eyes!

12 more weeks to go

Time flies when your having fun. I can't believe we are due in 12 weeks! I have been overly excited the last couple of days, especially because we got the changing table and the crib is on the way. It makes it feel so much more official. I built the changer last night and Lou helped me to move it into the nursery. The crib should be arriving soon. I just washed baby's first load of laundry with clothes and blankets people have given us. Most of the blankets and outfits were from my mom for Christmas, but he also got an ASU onsie from his Aunt Michelle, a Chicago Bears outfit from his Auntie Julie, and a U of M receiving blanket from our neighbor Jim. They are so cute and small! It made me realize that I need to learn how to swaddle and maybe I should think about packing the hospital bag too. I'm also glad the things we have been getting are in a variety of sizes. I have been reading and hearing from other moms that the newborn clothes don't last long- if at all. 

Friday, March 20, 2009

Look how far I've come...

I have been doing some reminiscing lately and it's surreal to me how far I have come so fast. It seems like I have blinked and gone from college student to grown up. My life has changed so much.  After looking at my life a few years ago, it is crazy to wrap my mind around now. While Lou and I were in Mexico I told him I can't believe we are married for a year and a half and expecting a baby. I have experienced some major life changing events over the last couple years and it is fun to look back at how life has changed. I am very happy with the life we have and wouldn't change it for anything. I like being a wife (and domestic goddess) and look forward to being a mom soon. 

On another note, we are at 28 weeks today. From what I'm reading he should be about 2 1/2 lbs. Over the last few days we got new carpet in the nursery and I have scrubbed the walls, windows, base boards, and fixtures in preparation to start decorating. I also ordered the changing table with credit card points I have been saving up, and the crib with the help of baby's soon to be Grandma and Grandpa Olen and a gift card. Now we just need to order the dresser and find a good rocking chair. How exciting!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

27 week update

I saw Dr. Hunt today for my monthly visit and glucose test. I had to drink a sugary beverage then wait an hour and have my blood drawn to determine if I have gestational diabetes. The results aren't back yet, but I think I'll be okay. I've put on 16 lbs. so far and baby is healthy. His heart was beating at 160 bpm today. Dr. Hunt told me I should feel him move everyday and if I don't to call her. I feel him moving quite a bit now and love it. She also confirmed that I am producing milk. I really hope to nurse Brendan and so at least I know my body will be ready when the time comes. We also have been looking into banking his Cord Blood and I started the process of creating a registry where our friends and family can help us to pay for the cost instead of purchasing a baby gift for our shower. 

Tomorrow we will get new carpet in the nursery, guest room, and Arizona room. Brendan will be able to crawl around and play on clean floors when he comes. I am ready to start working on the nursery and getting our home ready for him. It is going to be a lot of work to get the house in tip top shape. Reese and kitty shed so much hair! However, I am using my week long break from work to get it done. I am feeling like organization station lately! The nest must be prepared! :)


We are back from our babymoon and feeling recharged. We took a 6 day trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico to embark on one last vacation before becoming Mommy and Daddy. We stayed at an all-inclusive and I did a lot of eating and Lou did a lot of drinking. While in Mexico we got a great tan while enjoying the pool and the beach. The waves were huge and we saw whales jumping out in the ocean a couple of times. I loved being able to read a lot of parenting books and magazines that I don't otherwise have time to read at home and a few other pool reads. 

We went shopping for souvenirs and stopped in Cabo Wabo, Mi Casa, and
 Squid Roe in the town of Cabo San Lucas. Lou also went golfing at Puerto Los Cabos and I rode along. The course was along the Pacific Ocean and was beautiful.
 Louie won a beer drinking competition at the pool and sang 
"Jump Around" during the resort's karaoke. It was a fun trip and was
really easy to travel to someplace so close by. 

The next vacation we take will be with our son. We are looking into getting together with Lou's brothers and their families in August. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009


We are getting ready for our babymoon to Los Cabos, Mexico. It will be our last vacation before we become parents. We are both excited to get away, relax, and reconnect with one another for a few days. We plan to read, sun by the beach and pool, and enjoy the all-inclusive resort. Dr. Hunt told me this was the last week I could travel internationally, while I am still in the 2nd trimester. Next week, we will be in the third trimester. We chose Cabo because it is only two hours away by plane and affordable. We are all packed and will leave Tuesday morning. Bill will be watching Reese for us. We have both been looking forward to this trip for weeks!

Monday, March 2, 2009

25 weeks and lots going on

Here I am at 25 weeks pregnant or about 6 months. Things have been going great. Our baby boy is getting stronger and stronger. His daddy has enjoyed being able to really feel him kicking. There is no mistaking his movement now and sometimes you can see it without touching my belly. He likes to be most active around 11 pm, but he does not keep me up. I can't seem to stay awake for anything these days! I still feel pretty good, though now I know why pregnant women waddle. My body has been sore in places I hadn't imagined it would be.

At the same time my body has been changing and getting ready for baby, so has our home. We have been taking on new projects around the house and preparing our 'nest'. We started to empty the office so that it can be changed over to a nursery. We have also ordered new carpet for the nursery and other carpeted areas of our home. We replaced our washer and dryer last weekend and I can honestly say I enjoy doing laundry now. They are so much quieter and efficient. I know they will be put to good use with cloth diapering. Over the last two weekends, Lou has painted the garage, installed peg board for tools, and new lighting. It looks great.

Dad to-be successfully completed Daddy Boot Camp given by Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn last week. He got a lot of good information and even took notes. Here is a photo of our proud papa in his boot camp tee-shirt that he earned. Isn't he cute?! In April we will be taking some birth basics and breathing courses and I'll be taking a breastfeeding course too. Last weekend I took a cloth diapering class and baby got his first cloth diapers. They are too cute! I like the BumGenius ones because they can grow with baby. I put some on the Target registry- we will need 36 to get started.

We are both looking forward to our last vacation before becoming parents- the babymoon! In about a week, we will be staying at an all-inclusive resort in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for 6 days. It is just a quick two hour flight from Phoenix, so we will be close to home. We both woke up this morning thinking about our trip. I am looking forward to doing nothing. Just enjoying the scenery, getting some sun, and reading.