Tuesday, March 24, 2009

12 more weeks to go

Time flies when your having fun. I can't believe we are due in 12 weeks! I have been overly excited the last couple of days, especially because we got the changing table and the crib is on the way. It makes it feel so much more official. I built the changer last night and Lou helped me to move it into the nursery. The crib should be arriving soon. I just washed baby's first load of laundry with clothes and blankets people have given us. Most of the blankets and outfits were from my mom for Christmas, but he also got an ASU onsie from his Aunt Michelle, a Chicago Bears outfit from his Auntie Julie, and a U of M receiving blanket from our neighbor Jim. They are so cute and small! It made me realize that I need to learn how to swaddle and maybe I should think about packing the hospital bag too. I'm also glad the things we have been getting are in a variety of sizes. I have been reading and hearing from other moms that the newborn clothes don't last long- if at all. 

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