Tuesday, March 17, 2009

27 week update

I saw Dr. Hunt today for my monthly visit and glucose test. I had to drink a sugary beverage then wait an hour and have my blood drawn to determine if I have gestational diabetes. The results aren't back yet, but I think I'll be okay. I've put on 16 lbs. so far and baby is healthy. His heart was beating at 160 bpm today. Dr. Hunt told me I should feel him move everyday and if I don't to call her. I feel him moving quite a bit now and love it. She also confirmed that I am producing milk. I really hope to nurse Brendan and so at least I know my body will be ready when the time comes. We also have been looking into banking his Cord Blood and I started the process of creating a registry where our friends and family can help us to pay for the cost instead of purchasing a baby gift for our shower. 

Tomorrow we will get new carpet in the nursery, guest room, and Arizona room. Brendan will be able to crawl around and play on clean floors when he comes. I am ready to start working on the nursery and getting our home ready for him. It is going to be a lot of work to get the house in tip top shape. Reese and kitty shed so much hair! However, I am using my week long break from work to get it done. I am feeling like organization station lately! The nest must be prepared! :)

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