Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Roll Baby Roll

Brendan rolled over all by himself for the first time today. We celebrated and Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more proud. He didn't roll a whole 360 degrees, but more like 180; he rolled from his back to his belly while playing on a blankie. It was sweet!

At his 4 month appointment he weighed in at 17.4 lbs and 25 inches long. That puts him in the 90% percentile for weight and 75-90% for height. He's one big healthy baby. His 6-9 month clothes are most comfortable for him now. My arms are getting strong fast!

Brendan is quite coordinated and grabs anything within reach with accuracy. He could even grab my pearl earring right out of my ear. He loves kisses too. He lights up when we kiss him and we get him every time when we blow raspberries on his belly. Speaking of raspberries- Brendan figured out how to blow them over the weekend and it is hilarious!

Lately he has been staring me down when I am eating and I think that he may be ready to try some solid foods. I'm not really ready, but I think that he is and don't want to hold him back. I think I'm going to try a couple different organic rice and oatmeal cereals and see which works best for him. The doctor said we could start anytime between 4 and 6 months. We will see what happens.
The cloth diapers have been leaking almost every time he wears them- even when I double the liners up. Yesterday I changed 17 cloth diapers, 6 outfits for Brendan, 4 outfits for me, plus sheet savers, sheets, boppy pillows/covers, and blankets. I felt so bad every time I would pick him up from his crib his clothing and bedding was soaked. Most messes were related to the cloth diapers leaking and at least a couple from spitting up. So, we are going to be using Nature Care compostable, chlorine-free, bleach-free diapers. At least they aren't petroleum based and don't take 200 years to degrade. I may give cloth a try again in a week, but I'm exhausted from all of the changing, messes, and laundry.

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