Friday, December 18, 2009

December Events

We finally have figured out how to eat solids and we are becoming more and more mobile by the day. Brendan has successfully mastered rice cereal, sweet potatoes, sweet peas, and loves loves loves oranges. His Great Grandpa sent us home with some cutie oranges (the small ones) and Lou has been letting him suck on them. They are his favorite. We have also tried banana, but he's not crazy about it.

Brendan is rolling, rolling, rolling all over the place. He actually can move quite a ways from where he starts by rolling. Earlier this week he rolled himself off of the kitchen counter and it was such a horrible experience. He was not seriously hurt and we will never let it happen again. I'm still feeling urber guilty as I write about it.

On a more positive note, we are still reading at least one book a day, sometimes more. His favorite book now is Goodnight Moon. We have also been reading lots of Dr. Seuss, and Christmas/Winter themed books lately.

This month he has got to spend time with both Grandma's and both Great-Grandmas. My Mom had us over for dinner with Bill, Nabeel, Moostafa, and Irene and we also went out to Via Delosantos too.

We had the Grandma's and Aunt Paula over to play cards and Great Grandma Go-Go spent the night and let Lou and I go on a date. We found out good news too. My cousin Paul and his wife Andrea are expecting. We couldn't be more thrilled for them!

Last weekend we went to visit Mama Sue in Tucson. Poor thing broke her leg badly putting up Christmas lights, but she has the most positive attitude! Brendan helped to cheer her up. Daddy Lou has been taking good care of her.

Finally, just this morning Brendan sent his first email to my friend Candace. Guess I better start baby proofing!

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