Sunday, January 20, 2013

Time flies...

City of Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton w/ us at the Local First Festival
It has been months since my last post and the boys are growing up so fast. I tell them I wish they would stop growing and be little boys forever. Brendan teases right back insisting he is going to keep getting bigger until he is 4, 5, etc.

On the playground @ preschool
So, let's start with Brendan. He's a proud 3.5 yr old now attending preschool twice a week for 4 hours. His two teachers are the best teachers he could possibly get and his class is now pretty big with mostly girls. This month he started a dinosaur discovery extracurricular, though he could probably teach the class he knows so many dinosaurs. He's told me that he wants to be a paleontologist in Antartica when he grows up.

Brendan and Caleb have their own way of interacting and it's a beautiful thing. They light each other up and will go back and forth with words or sounds. Brendan is a great big brother and helps. He has nick named Caleb "Poopa."

Brendan is into superheros like Batman and Spiderman, his matchbox cars, dinosaurs, and recently discovered the Bearnstein Bears. He loves being outside with other kids. Every time he sees the neighbor kids outside he wants to play with them. He is very friendly and is gearing up for his first team sport this spring- Tee-ball.

Holiday party @ preschool
Crusin' in our 'hood
He is starting to pick up some of the things Lou and I say. He told his Dad he "couldn't do two things at once" the other day and told me, "I hate to tell you this....but I have to poop." We never know what is going to come from that kid's mouth. He has a photographic memory and doesn't easily forget things. He is pretty amazing!

Christmas Day @ Aunt Paula & Uncle Joe's
Caleb is growing like a weed and on the move. He is able to roll, scoot, and about ready to crawl. A few days ago I went in to the playroom, where his crib is and he was standing up on his own!  The crib was moved this month after  he and Brendan were not ready to share a room just yet and baby needed to be out of Mom and Dad's room. Caleb is still getting up once to twice per night to eat at 8 months old.

On New Year's Day Caleb said his first word, "Dada". A few weeks later came Mama. Surprising since he is a total Mama's boy and wants me to hold him or be close by all day. We are working on the separation anxiety.

Christmas morning 2012

We love our naked baby buns!

Fun only brothers can have!
He is still working with only the two bottom teeth and everything he comes into contact with is going directly into his mouth. He really likes bananas, O's, and blowing raspberries. He never did take a bottle or the sippy but he does like drinking right from the glass. His favorite song is the Alphabet Song.

Crazy lady bringing 2 kids and a dog to farmer's market
Caleb has the most beautiful blue eyes. We must have a recessive gene somewhere. They are so so blue and pretty. He is still a big guy for his age. He's someplace around 22-24 lbs of goodness and has been healthy for the most part. He had small ear infections in December and our whole family has been passing around the cold/flu this last month.

Every Friday we do something fun like go to the zoo, library, park or the Children's Museum. It's so cool to see the boys pass by milestones and do things they were unable to do the previous time we were there.  

The boys are a lot of work and a lot of fun. I'm so lucky and proud to be their Mom and feel very blessed. The days are long but the years sure fly by!
Fondue on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve w/ my favorite men

Lil' shopper @ Trader Joe's

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