Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fun with Baby

Brendan is becoming more and more animated. His personality is coming out more and more each day and it is so cool to see. He seems to be getting bigger and bigger (duh!) and heavier! I'm not sure how much he weighs but he is starting to get into the bigger clothes. He is starting to play and loves when Mommy reads to him. We are encouraging him to talk and he makes the cutest baby noises and sounds that you have ever heard.

We are getting on more of a schedule and he even let mom have 6 whole hours of uninterrupted sleep this week! (whoo-hoo!) It is not typically 6 hours- more regularly about 4 hours. Two days ago Brendan's Uncle Bill and Auntie Julie babysat him for a couple hours while Mom went to a networking event. He was a very good baby and Uncle and Auntie did a great job taking care of him. He also got to drop off Grandma Nancy at the airport and pick up Grandma Susie at the airport, and have dinner with Daddy Lou, Pop, and Great Aunt Patrice- all in the same day. Yesterday Brendan came to Mommy's volleyball game and cheered her on from the sidelines. Today he is going to Girls Night Out and Saturday he plans to spend the day with his Daddy. For a baby he sure does keep busy!

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