Saturday, September 15, 2012

Caleb's 4 mo. milestones

We took Caleb to the doctor for his 4 mo. check up and immunizations. He is healthy as can be. He has reached many new milestones within the last few weeks. Yesterday, Brendan was the first to see him roll over and hold his body up from his belly all by himself. Within the last mo. he's become an expert at grabbing things: toys, hair, people, anything he can get his hands on.

Boy can this baby smile. He's got quite the personality and his smile is just precious. He's been getting the hang of conversation and taking turns talking. He stands up with knees locked and just started using the 'jumparoo.'

We have been working on a bedtime routine. He is sleeping in the pack and play in our room and a little in the crib in his and Brendan's room. The doctor said to let him cry a little which is absolutely excruciating for me but hopefully it gets better. It's only been 2 days. Not sure if the boys will be able to share a room in the long run. As of now Caleb sleeps in about 4 hour stretches, once in a while 6 hours.

Caleb went on his first plane trip to Indianapolis just before turning 4 mo old. He did an outstanding job on the oversold flights. It was a quick trip and we would talk to Lou and Brendan back at home a few times a day and Brendan asked me to come home. I told him I couldn't but would see him tomorrow. He then asked, "Can you just send Caleb home?" Like I could FedEx him or something. Too cute.

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