Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bye bye convertible, hello SUV

At 33 weeks pregnant I have started to experience Braxton-hicks contractions and I've also started to become uncomfortable. My lower back especially has been sore, I get short of breath easily, and have had some kicking in the ribs. Other than those changes, I am still doing everything I was before. Perhaps running myself a little ragged now. Although, during the last week I tried to sit down more at work. The key word there is tried. Teaching Kindergarten is a hands-on job and really doesn't allow for much sitting. Friday I was especially sore and actually had to excuse myself a few times while out for Grandpa's birthday and out at Rosie's with Mom & Dad to go stretch my lower back.

This week I also decided on a new SUV to purchase. I will be trading in the Solera convertible for the '09 Ford Escape Limited. I wanted a black exterior with a camel interior and it was tough to find locally, so it is being shipped over from Texas and should be in Phoenix by Wed. I'll miss the convertible, but know I need a safer car for baby. The extra room will be nice for everyday tasks and for showing my real estate clients properties too.

I have also been spending a lot of time preparing the nursery. I have washed everything in Dreft: bedding, clothing, blankets, etc. The clothes are the cutest. I got teary eyed folding up the little socks. They are so tiny! I can't believe he is going to be that small! I dream of holding him.

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