Friday, April 3, 2009

Nursery and 30 weeks

Here are some photos of the progress of the nursery. So far we 
have a changer, crib, swing, bouncer/entertainer, blankets- one of which will be on the wall stuffed animals, and clothing. We got the changer free, the crib from my mom, the Noah's arc quilt from Lou's mom, we bought the swing (Lou
 also bought a little Tigers shirt. He had to represent Detroit.)  and 
some other hand-me downs from a teacher I work with. We still have a ways to go with decorating but it's moving along. Also, check out the fabulous new clean, dog and cat hair-free carpet! 

The belly is getting bigger! I can no longer fit through small spaces. Sometimes I forget and think I can fit in between people and suck it in. Needless to say, I've knocked a few people with the bump and acted surprised when it happened. At 30 weeks, I am still feeling blessed and wonderful! It has been an easy pregnancy. I can honestly say I love being pregnant. I would love to do it all again (not until Brendan is a more independent little man!). I want 4, Lou wants 2. We will see when the time comes, but right now I'm really enjoying the little
life in my belly.

On the right is a picture of me putting my feet up after work and the nursing class. Reese came right up to me and was putting his paws on either side of my belly and resting his chin on my belly. We thought it was too cute!

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