Sunday, April 19, 2009

Practice Parenting

Over the last weekend Lou and I were able to practice being parents for about 7 hours with Tina and Brett's adorable 6 month-old daughter Addison. We really enjoyed the experience and got to be around a baby for the day. We played with her, got to change some diapers, take her for a walk, feed her, and attempted to get her to sleep. I was able to make lunch one handed and also got to use our new glider in the nursery. We observed that Reese will be jealous, but he smelled and licked her and eventually got used to not being the center of our attention. He was at our heels most of the day. 

I thought it was the cutest thing when Lou, myself, and Reese took her
 for a walk and Lou wanted to show Addison off to our neighbors. He was already a proud papa and she's not even ours! Reese also enjoyed the walk and it was business as usual for him. The whole experience was great for us and helped me to gain confidence. I am around children all day at work as a teacher, but not babies. It probably helped that Addison is a generally well mannered and happy infant too. On the right is Louie holding Addison and me holding her at 32 weeks pregnant. Reese was right there by us for the photo like he was all day. 

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